Most Important Publications
msiFlow: Automated Workflows for Reproducible and Scalable Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Microscopy Data Analysis.
Spangenberg P, ... , Engel DR
Nature Communications 16:1065 (2025)
Tissue-resident macrophages mediate neutrophil recruitment and kidney injury in shiga toxin-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome.
Lill JK, ... , Engel DR
Kidney International 100, 349-363 (2021)
Proteomic and bioinformatic profiling of neutrophils in CLL reveals functional defects that predispose to bacterial infections.
Subramaniam N, ... , Engel DR
Blood Advances 5, 1259-1272 (2021)
Spatial proteomics revealed a CX3CL1-dependent crosstalk between the urothelium and relocated macrophages through IL-6 during an acute bacterial infection in the urinary bladder.
Bottek J, Soun C, ... , Engel DR
Mucosal Immunol 13, 702-714 (2020)
Proliferation of Ly6C+ monocytes during urinary tract infections is regulated by IL-6 trans-signaling
Dixit, A, ... , Engel, DR
J Leukoc Biol 1, 13-22 (2018)
Irf4-dependent CD103+CD11b+ dendritic cells and the intestinal microbiome regulate monocyte and macrophage activation and intestinal peristalsis in postoperative ileus
Pohl, JM, ... , Engel, DR
Gut 12, 2110-2120 (2017)
Crosstalk between Sentinel and Helper Macrophages Permits Neutrophil Migration into Infected Uroepithelium
Schiwon, M, ... , Engel, DR
Cell 156, 456-468 (2014)
T helper type 1 memory cells disseminate postoperative ileus over the entire intestinal tract
Engel, DR , ... , Kurts, C
Nat Med 16, 1407-1413 (2010)
Complete list of Publications
Christ R, Siemes D, Zhao S, Widera L, Spangenberg P, Lill J, Thiebes S, Bottek J, Borgards L, Pinho AG, Silva NA, Monteiro S, Jorch SK, Gunzer M, Siebels B, Voss H, Schlüter H, Shevchuk O, Chen J, Engel DR. Inhibition of Tumour Necrosis Factor Alpha by Etanercept attenuates Shiga Toxin-induced brain pathology. J Neuroinflammation. 2025. Accepted.
Spangenberg P, Bessler S, Widera L , Bottek J, Richter M, Thiebes S, Siemes D, Krauß SD, Migas LG, Kasarla SS, Phapale P, Kleesiek J, Führer D, Moeller LC, Heuer H, Van Daniel Engel Plas R, Gunzer M, Soehnlein O, Soltwisch J, Shevchuk O, Dreisewerd K, Engel DR. msiFlow: Automated Workflows for Reproducible and Scalable Multimodal Mass Spectrometry Imaging and Microscopy Data Analysis. Nature Commun, 16:1065 (2025)
Placke JM, Bottek J, Váraljai R, Shannan B, Scharfenberg S, Krisp C, Spangenberg P, Soun C, Siemes D, Borgards L, Hoffmann F, Zhao F, Paschen A, Schlueter H, von Eggeling F, Helfrich I, Rambow F, Ugurel S, Tasdogan A, Schadendorf D, Engel DR‡, A. Roesch‡. Spatial proteomics reveals SIRT1 as a determinant of T cell infiltration in human melanoma. Br J Dermatol, 31:ljae433 (2024) ‡ equal contribution
Voss H, Engel DR, Wagenlehner W, Shevchuk O. Discovery of Antimicrobial Peptides in Urinary Tract Infections. European Urology Focus, 10(5):710-712 (2024)
Aust AC, Weigel M, Herrmann JP, Shevchuk O, Engel DR, Dobrindt U, Hain T, Wagenlehner W. Influence of Kidney Environment Parameters on Antibiotic Efficacy Against Uropathogenic Escherichia coli. European Urology Focus, 10(5):742-750 (2024)
Wenzek C, Siemes D, Hönes GS, Pastille E, Härting N, Kaiser F, Möller LC, Engel DR, Westendorf AM, Führer D. Lack of canonical thyroid hormone receptor alpha signaling changes regulatory T cell phenotype in female mice. iScience, 27(8):110547 (2024)
Geist D, Hönes GS, Grund SC, Pape J, Siemes D, Spangenberg P, Tolstik E, Dörr S,
, , , , Mittag J, Engel DR, Führer D, Lorenz K, Moeller LC. Canonical and noncanonical contribution of thyroid hormone receptor isoforms alpha and beta to cardiac hypertrophy and heart rate in male mice. Thyroid, 34(6):785-795 (2024)Tuz AA, Ghosh S, Karsch L, ...Engel DR , Stenzel M, Soehnlein O, Frank B, Solo-Nomenjanahary M, Ho-Tin-Noé B, Siveke J, Totzeck M, Hoffmann D, Grüneboom A, Hagemann N, Hasenberg A, Desilles JP, Mazighi M, Sickmann A, Chen J, Hermann DM, Gunzer M, Singh V. Stroke and myocardial infarction induce neutrophil extracellular trap release disrupting lymphoid organ structure and immunoglobulin secretion. Nat Cardiovasc Res, 3(5):525-540 (2024)
Wagenlehner F, Shevchuk O, Engel DR. Urinary Tract Infection Challenges: Beyond the Basics. ID Clinic Accepted (2024)
Geist D, Hönes GS, Grund SC, Pape J, Siemes D, Spangenberg P, Tolstik E, Dörr S,
, , , , Mittag J, Engel DR, Führer D, Lorenz K, Moeller LC. Canonical and noncanonical contribution of thyroid hormone receptor isoforms alpha and beta to cardiac hypertrophy and heart rate in male mice. bioRxiv doi: 2023.11.24.568041 (2023)Von Vietinghoff S, Shevchuk O, Dobrindt U, Engel DR, Jorch SK, Kurts C, Miethke T, Wagenlehner F. The global burden of antimicrobial resistance - urinary tract infections. NDT Oct 27:gfad233 (2023)
Siemes D, Vancamp P, Markova B, Spangenberg P,Shevchuk O, Siebels B, Schlueter H, Mayerl S, Heuer H, Engel DR. Proteome analysis of thyroid hormone transporter Mct8/Oatp1c1-deficient mice reveals novel dysregulated target molecules involved in locomotor function. Cells 12(20), 2487 (2023)
Zec K, Thiebes S, Bottek J, Siemes D, Spangenberg S, Trieu DV, Kirstein N, Subramaniam N, Christ R, Klein D, Jendrossek V, Loose M, Wagenlehner F, Jablonska J, Bracht T, Sitek B, Budeus B, Klein-Hitpass L, Theegarten D, Shevchuk O, Engel DR. Comparative transcriptomic and proteomic signature of lung alveolar macrophages reveals the integrin CD11b as a regulatory hub during pneumococcal pneumonia infection. Front Immunol 14, 1227191 (2023)
Placke JM, Kimmig M, Griewank K, Herbst R, Terheyden P, Utikal J, Pfoehler C, Ulrich J, Kreuter A, Mohr P, Gutzmer R, Meier F, Dippel E, Welzel J, Engel DR, Kreft S, Sucker A, Lodde G, Krefting F, Stoffels I, Klode J, Roesch A, Zimmer L, Livingstone E, Hadaschik E, Becker JC, Weichenthal M, Tasdogan A, Schadendorf D, Ugurel S. Correlation of tumor PD-L1 expression in different tissue types and outcome of PD-1-based immunotherapy in metastatic melanoma - Analysis of the DeCOG prospective multicenter cohort study ADOREG/TRIM. eBioMedicine 96, 104774 (2023)
Varaljai R, Zimmer L, Al-Matary Y, Kaptein P, Albrecht LJ, Shannan B, Brase JC, Gusenleitner D, Amaral T, Wyss N, Utikal J, Flatz L, Rambo F, Reinhardt HC, Dick J, Engel DR, Horn S, Ugurel S, Sondermann W, Livingstone E, Sucker A, Paschen A, Zhao F, Placke JM, Klose JM, Pendler WP, Thommen D, Helfrich I, Schadendorf D, Roesch A. Interleukin-17 signaling supports clinical benefit of dual CTLA-4 and PD-1 checkpoint inhibition in melanoma. Nat Cancer, 4, 1292-1308 (2023)
Xie X, Frank D, Patnana PK, Schütte J, Al-Matary Y, Liu L, Engel DR, Dührsen U, Rosenbauer F ,Lenz G, Khandanpour C. GFI1 expression in the reconstitution and the differentiation capacity of HSCs. Front Cell Dev Biol, 11, 866847 (2023).
Spangenberg P, Hagemann N, Squire A, Förster N, Krauß SD, Qi Y, Yusuf AM, Wang J, Grüneboom A, Kowitz L, Korste S, Totzeck M, Cibir Z, Tuz AA, SinghV, Siemes D, Struensee L, Engel DR, Ludewig P, Melo LMN, Helfrich I, Chen J, Gunzer M, Hermann DM, Mosig A. Rapid and fully automated blood vasculature analysis in 3D light-sheet image volumes of different organs. Cell Rep Meth, 3 , 100436 (2023).
Bouvain P, Ding Z, Kadir S, Kleiman P, Kluge N, Tiren ZB, Steckel B, Flocke V, Zapfen R, Petzsch P, Wachtmeister T, John G, Subramaniam N, Krämer W, Strasdeit T, Mehrabipour M, Moll JM, Schubert R, Ahmadian MR, Bönner F, Boeken U, Westenfeld R, Engel DR, Schrader J, Köhrer K, Grandoch M, Temme S, Flögel U. Non-invasive mapping of systemic neutrophil dynamics upon cardiovascular injury. Nat Vasc Res, 2 , 1-18 (2023).
Fleig S, Kapanadze T, Bernier-Latmani J, Lill JK, Wyss T, Gamrekelashvili J, Kijas D, Liu B, Huesing A, Bovay E, Jirmo A, Halle S, Ricke-Hoch M, Adams R, Engel DR, von Vietinghoff S, Forster R, Hilfiker-Kleiner D, Haller H, Petrova T and Limbourg F. Loss of Vascular Endothelial Notch Signaling Promotes Spontaneous Formation of Tertiary Lymphoid Structures, Nat Commun, 13 (2022).
Wenzek C, Boelen A, Westendorf AM, Engel DR, Moeller L, Führer D. The interplay of thyroid hormones and the immune system - where we stand and why we need to know about it, Eur J Endocrinol, 186, R65-R77 (2022).
Cheung PF, Yang J, Krengel K, Althoff K, Siu EHL, Yip CW, Ng LWC, Lang KS, Cham L, Engel DR, Soun C, Cima I, Scheffler B, Striefler JK, Sinn M, Bahra M, Oettle H, Markus P, Smeets EMM, Aarntzen EHJG, Savvatakis K, Liffers ST, Neander C, Bazarna A, Zhang X, Paschen A, Crawford HC, Chan AWH, Cheung ST, Siveke JT. Progranulin mediates immune evasion of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma through regulation of MHCI expression, Nat Commun, 13, 156 (2022).
Scheunemann JF, Reichwald JJ, Korir PJ, Kuehlwein JM, Jenster LM, Hammerschmidt-Kamper C, Lewis MD, Klocke K, Borsche MP, Schmidt KE, Soun C, Thiebes S, Limmer A, Engel DR, Mueller AK, Hoerauf A, Hübner MP, Schumak B. Eosinophils suppress the migration of T cells into the brain of Plasmodium berghei-infected Ifnar1-/- mice and protect them from experimental cerebral malaria, Front Immunol, 12, 711876 (2021).
Placke JM, Soun C, Bottek J, Herbst R, Terheyden P, Utikal J, Pföhler C, Ulrich J, Kreuter A, Pfeiffer C, Mohr P, Gutzmer R, Meier F, Dippel E, Zimmer L, Livingstone E, Becker J, Lodde G, Sucker A, Griewank K, Horn S, Hadaschik E, Roesch A, Schadendorf D, Engel DR, Ugurel S. Tumor PD-L1 positivity by physician’s and digital quantification predicts a favorable outcome of PD-1-based immune checkpoint therapy in metastatic melanoma, Front Oncol, 21, 741993 (2021).
Lill JK, Thiebes S, Pohl JM, Bottek J, Subramaniam N, Christ R, Soun C, Gueler F, Zwanziger D, Hoffmann F, Eggeling F, Bracht Th, Sitek B, Hickey M. J., Hofnagel O, Engel DR. Tissue-resident macrophages mediate neutrophil recruitment and kidney injury in shiga toxin-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome, Kidney Int, 100, 349-363 (2021).
Subramaniam N, Bottek J, Thiebes S, Zec K, Kudla M, Soun C, de Dios Panal E, Lill JK, Pfennig A, Herrmann R, Bruderek K, Rahmann S, Brandau S, Johansson P, Reinhardt H C, Dürig J, Seiffert M, Bracht T, Sitek B, Engel DR. Proteomic and bioinformatic profiling of neutrophils in CLL reveals functional defects that predispose to bacterial infections. Blood Advances, 5, 1259–1272 (2021).
Bottek J, Soun C, Lill JK, Dixit A, Thiebes S, Beerlage AL, Horstmann M, Urbanek A, Heuer H, Uszkoreit J, Eisenacher M, Bracht Th, Sitek B, Hoffmann F, Vijitha N, Eggeling F, Engel DR Spatial proteomics revealed a CX3CL1-dependent crosstalk between the urothelium and relocated macrophages through IL-6 during an acute bacterial infection in the urinary bladder. Mucosal Immunol, 13, 702-714 (2020).
Vijitha N, Engel DR. Remote control of Th17 responses: The lung-CNS axis during EAE. J Leukoc Biol, 105, 827-828 (2019).
Merz S, Korste S, Bornemann L, Michel L, Stock P, Squire A, Soun C, Engel DR, Detzer J, Lörchner H, Hermann D, Kamler M, Klode J, Hendgen-Cotta U, Rassaf T, Gunzer M, Totzeck M. Contemporaneous 3D characterization of acute and chronic myocardial I/R injury and response. Nat Commun, 10, 2312 (2019).
Grüneboom A, Hawwari I, Weidner D, Culemann S, Müller S, Henneberg S, Brenzel A, Merz S, Bornemann L, Zec K, Wuelling M, Kling L, Hasenberg M, Voortmann S, Lang S, Baum W, Ohs A, Kraff O, Quick HH, Jäger M, Landgraeber S, Dudda M, Danuser R, Stein JV, Rohde M, Gelse K, Garbe AI, Adamczyk A, Westendorf AM, Hoffmann D, Christiansen S, Engel DR, Vortkamp A, Krönke G, Herrmann M, Kamradt T, Schett G, Hasenberg A and Gunzer M. A network of trans-cortical capillaries as mainstay for blood circulation in long bones. Nat Metabolism, 1, 236-250 (2019).
Wiesemann A, Ketteler J, Slama A, Wirsdorfer F, Hager T, Roeck K, Engel DR, Fischer JW, Aigner C, Jendrossek V, Klein D. Inhibition of radiation-induced Ccl2 signaling protects lungs from vascular dysfunction and endothelial cell loss. Antioxid. Redox Signal, 30, 213-231 (2018).
Pohl JM, Volke JK, Thiebes S, Brenzel A, Fuchs K, Beziere N, Ehrlichmann W, Pichler BJ, Squire A, Gueler F, Engel DR. CCR2-dependent Gr1high monocytes promote kidney injury in shiga toxin-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome in mice. Eur J Immunol, 48, 990-1000 (2018).
Dixit A, Bottek J, Beerlage AL, Schuettpelz J, Thiebes S, Brenzel A, Garbers C, Rose-John S, Mittrücker HW, Squire A, Engel DR. Proliferation of Ly6C+ monocytes during urinary tract infections is regulated by IL-6 trans-signaling. J Leukoc Biol, 1, 13-22 (2018).
Pohl JM, Gutweiler S, Thiebes S, Volke J, Klein-Hitpass L, Zwanziger D, Gunzer M, Jung S, Agace W, Kurts C, Engel DR. Irf4-dependent CD103+CD11b+ dendritic cells and the intestinal microbiome regulate monocyte and macrophage activation and intestinal peristalsis in postoperative ileus. Gut, 12, 2110-2120 (2017).
Wehner S, Engel DR. Resident macrophages in the healthy and inflamed intestinal muscularis externa. Pflugers Arch. - Eur J Physiol, 469, 541-552 (2017).
Klingberg A, Hasenberg A, Ludwig-Portugall I, Medyukhina A, Männ L, Brenzel A, Engel DR, Figge MT, Kurts C, Gunzer M. Fully Automated Evaluation of Total Glomerular Number and Capillary Tuft Size in Nephritic Kidneys Usitng Lightsheet Microscopy. J Am Soc Nephrol, 28, 452-459 (2017).
Hucke S, Herold M, Liebmann M, Freise N, Lindner M, Fleck AK, Zenker S, Thiebes S, Fernandez-Orth J, Buch D, Lues Hemmer B, Engel DR, Roth J, Kuhlmann T, Wiendl H, Klotz L. The farnesoid-X-receptor in myeloid cells controls CNS autoimmunity in an IL-10-dependent fashion. Acta Neuropathol, 132, 413-431 (2016).
Evers BD, Engel DR, Böhner, AM, Tittel AP, Krause TA., Heuser C, Garbi N., Kastenmüller W, Mack M, Tiegs G, Panzer U, Boor P, Ludwig-Portugall I, Kurts C. CD103+ kidney dendritic cells protect against crescentic glomerulonephritis by maintaining IL-10-producing regulatory T cells. J Am Soc Nephrol, 27, 3368-3382 (2016).
Zec K, Volke J, Vijitha N, Thiebes S, Gunzer M, Kurts C, Engel, DR, Neutrophil Migration into the Infected Uroepithelium Is Regulated by the Crosstalk between Resident and Helper Macrophages. Pathogens, 5. (2016).
Hasenberg A, Hasenberg M, Männ L, Neumann F, Borkenstein L, Stecher M, Kraus A, Engel DR, Klingberg A, Seddigh P, Abdullah Z, Klebow S, Engelmann S, Reinhold A, Brandau S, Seeling M, Waisman A, Schraven B, Gothert JR, Nimmerjahn F, Gunzer M. Catchup: a mouse model for imaging-based tracking and modulation of neutrophil granulocytes. Nat Methods, 12, 445-52 (2015).
Engel DR, Krause TA, Snelgrove SL, Thiebes S, Hickey MJ, Boor P, Kitching AR, Kurts C. CX3CR1 Reduces Kidney Fibrosis by Inhibiting Local Proliferation of Profibrotic Macrophages. J Immunol, 194, 1628-38 (2015).
Böttcher JP, Beyer M, Meissner F, Abdullah Z, Sander J, Höchst B, Eickhoff S, Riekmann JC, Russo C, Bauer T, Flecken T, Giesen D, Engel D, Jung S, Busch DH, Protzer U, Thimme R, Mann M, Kurts C, Schultze JL, Kastenmüller W, Knolle PA. Functional classification of memory CD8(+) T cells by CX3CR1 expression. Nat Commun, 6:8306(2015).
Weisheit CK, Engel DR, Kurts C, Dendritic Cells and Macrophages: Sentinels in the Kidney. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol, 10, 1841-51 (2015).
Krause TA, Alex AF, Engel DR, Kurts C, Eter N. VEGF-production by CCR2-dependent macrophages contributes to laser-induced choroidal neovascularization. PLoS One, 9, e94313 (2014).
Schiwon M, Weisheit C, Franken L, Gutweiler S, Dixit A, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Pohl JM, Maurice NJ, Thiebes S, Lorenz K, Quast T, Fuhrmann M, Baumgarten G, Lohse MJ, Opdenakker G, Bernhagen J, Bucala R, Panzer U, Kolanus W, Grone HJ, Garbi N, Kastenmuller W, Knolle PA, Kurts C, Engel, DR. Crosstalk between Sentinel and Helper Macrophages Permits Neutrophil Migration into Infected Uroepithelium. Cell, 156, 456-68 (2014).
Hochheiser K, Heuser C, Krause TA, Teteris S, Ilias A, Weisheit C, Hoss F, Tittel AP, Knolle PA, Panzer U, Engel DR, Tharaux PL, Kurts C. Exclusive CX3CR1 dependence of kidney DCs impacts glomerulonephritis progression. J Clin Invest 123, 4242-4254 (2013).
Hoge, I. Yan, N. Janner, V. Schumacher, A. Chalaris, O. M. Steinmetz, D. R. Engel, J. Scheller, S. Rose-John, H. W. Mittrucker. IL-6 Controls the Innate Immune Response against Listeria monocytogenes via Classical IL-6 Signaling. J Immunol 190, 703-711 (2013).
Koscielny A, Engel D, Maurer J, Wehner S, Kurts C, Kalff JC. The role of lymphoid tissue in the attenuation of the postoperative ileus. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol., 304, G401-12 (2013).
Koscielny A, Engel D, Maurer J, Wehner S, Kurts C, Kalff JC. The role of lymphoid tissue in the attenuation of the postoperative ileus. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol., 304, G401-12 (2012).
Tittel AP, Heuser C, Ohliger C, Llanto C, Yona S, Hämmerling GJ, Engel DR, Garbi N, Kurts C. Functionally relevant neutrophilia in CD11c diphtheria toxin receptor transgenic mice. Nat Methods, 9, 385-90 (2012).
Sicking EM, Fuss A, Uhlig S, Jirak P, Dijkman H, Wetzels J, Engel DR, Urzynicok T, Heidenreich S, Kriz W, Kurts C, Ostendorf T, Floege J, Smeets B, Moeller MJ. Subtotal ablation of parietal epithelial cells induces crescent formation. J Am Soc Nephrol, 23, 629-40 (2012).
Snelgrove SL, Kausman JY, Lo C, Lo C, Ooi JD, Coates PT, Hickey MJ, Holdsworth SR, Kurts C, Engel DR*, Kitching AR*. Renal dendritic cells adopt a pro-inflammatory phenotype in obstructive uropathy to activate T cells but do not directly contribute to fibrosis. Am J Pathol 180, 91-103 (2012). *contributed equally.
Ooi JD, Snelgrove SL, Engel DR, Hochheiser K, Ludwig-Portugall I, Nozaki Y, O'Sullivan KM, Hickey MJ, Holdsworth SR, Kurts C, Kitching AR, Endogenous foxp3(+) T-regulatory cells suppress anti-glomerular basement membrane nephritis. Kidney Int, 79, 977-86 (2011).
Tittel AP, Heuser C, Ohliger C, Knolle PA, Engel DR, Kurts C. Kidney dendritic cells induce innate immunity against bacterial pyelonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol, 22, 1435-41 (2011).
Hochheiser K*, Engel DR*, Hammerich L, Heymann F, Knolle PA, Panzer U, Kurts C. Kidney Dendritic Cells Become Pathogenic during Crescentic Glomerulonephritis with Proteinuria. J Am Soc Nephrol, 22, 306-16 (2011). *contributed equally
Teteris SA, Engel DR, Kurts C. Homeostatic and pathogenic role of renal dendritic cells. Kidney Int, 80, 139-45 (2011).
Koscielny A, Engel DR, Maurer J, Hirner A, Kurts C, Kalff JC. Impact of CCR7 on the gastrointestinal field effect. Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol, 300, G665-75 (2011)
Koscielny A, Wehner S, Engel DR, Kurts C, Kalff J. Isolation of T cells and dendritic cells from peripheral intestinal tissue, Peyer’s Patches and mesenteric lymph nodes in mice after intestinal manipulation. Protocol Exchange, doi: 10.1038/protex.2011.1201 (2011).
Wehner S, Koscielny A, Vilz TO, Stoffels B, Engel DR, Kurts C, Kalff J. Measurement of gastrointestinal and colonic transit in mice. Nat Protoc, doi: 10.1038/protex.2011.1219 (2011).
Engel DR, Koscielny A, Wehner S, Maurer J, Schiwon M, Franken L, Schumak B, Limmer A, Sparwasser T, Hirner A, Knolle PA, Kalff JC, Kurts C. T helper type 1 memory cells disseminate postoperative ileus over the entire intestinal tract. Nat Med, 16, 1407-13 (2010).
Bosschaerts T, Guilliams M, Stijlemans B, Morias Y, Engel D Tacke F, Hérin M, De Baetselier P, Beschin A. Tip-DC development during parasitic infection is regulated by IL-10 and requires CCL2/CCR2, IFN-gamma and MyD88 signaling. PLoS Pathog, 6, e1001045 (2010).
Engel DR, Maurer J, Tittel AP, Weisheit C, Cavlar T, Schumak B, Limmer A, van Rooijen N, Trautwein C, Tacke F, Kurts C. CCR2 mediates homeostatic and inflammatory release of Gr1(high) monocytes from the bone marrow, but is dispensable for bladder infiltration in bacterial urinary tract infection. J Immunol 181, 5579-86 (2008).
Eter N, Engel DR, Meyer L, Helb HM, Roth F, Maurer J, Holz FG, Kurts C. In vivo visualization of dendritic cells, macrophages and microglial cells responding to laser-induced damage in the fundus of the eye. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 49, 3649-58(2008).
Scholz J, Lukacs-Kornek V, Engel DR, Specht S, Kiss E, Eitner F, Floege J, Groene HJ, Kurts C. Renal dendritic cells stimulate IL-10 production and attenuate nephrotoxic nephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol, 19, 527-37 (2008).
Lukacs-Kornek V, Engel D, Tacke F, Kurts C. The role of chemokines and their receptors in dendritic cell biology. Front Biosci, 13, 2238-52 (2008).
Engel D, Dobrindt U, Tittel A, Peters P, Maurer J, Gütgemann I, Kaissling B, Kuziel W, Jung S, Kurts C. Tumor necrosis factor alpha- and inducible nitric oxide synthase-producing dendritic cells are rapidly recruited to the bladder in urinary tract infection but are dispensable for bacterial clearance. Infect Immun, 74, 6100-7 (2006).
Lang A, Benke D, Eitner F, Engel D, Ehrlich S, Breloer M, Hamilton-Williams E, Specht S, Hoerauf A, Floege J, von Bonin A, Kurts C. Heat shock protein 60 is released in immune-mediated glomerulonephritis and aggravates disease: in vivo evidence for an immunologic danger signal. J Am Soc Nephrol, 16, 383-91 (2005).
Krüger T, Benke D, Eitner F, Lang A, Wirtz M, Hamilton-Williams EE, Engel D, Giese B, Müller-Newen G, Floege J, Kurts C. Identification and functional characterization of dendritic cells in the healthy murine kidney and in experimental glomerulonephritis. J Am Soc Nephrol, 15, 613-21 (2004).